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Inner Compass

Dec 15, 2019

Many people are reticent about sharing the Inside-Out understanding. They are worried they don't know enough and they need to do more training to get ready.

If you're the kind of person that says, 'I'll share this when, I've read more books OR I've been on another course OR I know more"

Then this is for you.

In today's podcast Liz and Stu bust some of the common myths that hold people back. There are three questions that they look at:

  1. Should I wait before sharing the Inside-Out understanding with others?
  2. What are the advantages of taking the step to share?
  3. What will I learn when I share with others? 

Let us know what you think of the podcast - we'd love to hear from you


Twitter: Innercompassliz Innercompassstu

Linkedin: Liz Scott

Instagram: Inner_compass_liz