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Inner Compass

Jul 30, 2019


What happens when two professional sportsmen share a spiritual understanding of how the mind works, with a group of traditional coaches?

Grayson Hart and Sam Jarman were keynote speakers at a recent conference for South West coaches.

In this podcast Liz and Stu ask Sam and Grayson how they described the Inside-Out understanding to coaches who are more used to hearing about tools, techniques and strategies.

And what the impact was on the audience?

  • Listen in as they explain:
    How to question the mainstream view of our culture (that things outside of us make us happy)
  • That there is a universal default of peace and happiness.
  • You don't need to avoid tools or techniques - just understand inside-out for yourself and turn up and be yourself in the world


Twitter: Innercompassliz Innercompassstu

Linkedin: Liz Scott

Instagram: Inner_compass_liz